Cosmetic Metal-Free Crowns, Bridges, and Veneers

Metal-free treatment solutions allow you to avoid the effects of the mercury that are found in the metal treatments and lead to longer-lasting results.

What are crowns?

When teeth are damaged, decayed, fractured, or weak beyond the scope of a dental filling, a crown can be used to replace your tooth while retaining the structure of your natural root.


What are bridges?

A bridge can be used to replace teeth that are adjacent to crowns. Using the crowns as anchors, a bridge allows the space with the missing teeth to be filled with prosthetic teeth.


What are veneers?

A veneer is similar to a crown, but it instead is used to cover the front surface of the tooth. It is usually used to change the appearance of your teeth.


Why use metal-free treatment solutions?

Metal-free treatment solutions allow you to avoid the effects of the mercury that are found in the metal treatments. Two popular methods include a blend of plastics and glass, and ceramic. Both of these methods lead to longer-lasting results.